Blooming looks good on you
- Stacey G.Verified BuyerAge Range 35 - 442 days agoAge Range 35 - 44Rated 4 out of 5 starsGut Duo
I love these. The only thing is I have a hard time getting the collustrum to mix properly. It clumps up and I feel like it sticks to the sides so much I'm not getting the full scoop but other than that they work great for me. I have bad issues with bloating and not "going" regularly but these help! I recommend 100%
Was this helpful? - Kate L.Verified BuyerAge Range 25 - 342 days agoAge Range 25 - 34Rated 5 out of 5 starsImmediate Difference
I was able to tell a difference in my gut health within the first week. Would recommend to anyone looking to improve gut health.
Was this helpful? - Barbara G.Verified BuyerAge Range 55 - 642 days agoAge Range 55 - 64Rated 5 out of 5 starsReviee
I love the taste and the feeling of not being bloated had me feeling better than ever
Was this helpful? - Esmeralda3 days agoRated 5 out of 5 stars5 Stars
Love it! Best of the best!!
Was this helpful? - Alondra R.Verified BuyerAge Range 25 - 343 days agoAge Range 25 - 34Rated 5 out of 5 starsBest duo out there!
Yummy flavor of greens, I bought the mango and i love it. The collagen works really good too I definitely see results in the last two weeks of using these products!
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