Daily Greens
Daily Greens
One Delicious Scoop
One Delicious Scoop
gluten free
plant based
dairy free
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You'll love these
- Melissa P.Verified BuyerAge Range 25 - 3418 seconds agoAge Range 25 - 34Rated 5 out of 5 starsSo good
Mango is by far my favorite flavor. And the benefits to my gut health are wonderful!
Was this helpful? - Tenzly S.Verified ReviewerAge Range Under 189 hours agoAge Range Under 18Rated 4 out of 5 starsGreat choice
I have had this product for a while and I drink it every morning I’m in love!!!
P.s side note for people with picky taste or Texture issues I would warn you it has a bit of a strong green flavor and a griddy texture but over all it’s not bad at all ty bloom for changing the game for EVER
Was this helpful? - Angela S.Verified BuyerAge Range 35 - 44YesterdayAge Range 35 - 44Rated 5 out of 5 starsAbsolutely addicted!
I have Coconut Greens on subscription and briefly cancelled because I reconsidered whether I REALLY needed it. That cancellation lasted only about a month because I missed this part of my morning routine so much!
Was this helpful? - SueYesterdayRated 5 out of 5 stars5 Stars
I added Bloom Nutrition Greens &Superfoods, the Orange Passionfruit to my morning juice and it tasted delicious. I can't says the it gives me energy at the moment but I will update my review in a few weeks.
Was this helpful? - Camryn F.Verified BuyerAge Range 18 - 24YesterdayAge Range 18 - 24Rated 5 out of 5 starsGreat (:
They’re pretty delicious and I do see a difference in the way I feel, I would definitely recommend these
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