Daily Greens
Daily Greens
One Delicious Scoop
One Delicious Scoop
gluten free
plant based
dairy free
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- Vendi V.Verified BuyerAge Range 18 - 2443 minutes agoAge Range 18 - 24Rated 5 out of 5 starsLove this product!
I know that many people wonders if it really helps and YES IT DOES! It helps with both, bloating and digestion. I use ‘berries ‘ and I find it pretty good, it’s not hard to dring, flavour is just fine!
Was this helpful? - Sobia55 minutes agoRated 1 out of 5 stars1 Star
Not for me the taste is not good
Was this helpful? - Kimberley T.Verified BuyerAge Range 25 - 341 hour agoAge Range 25 - 34Rated 5 out of 5 starsExcellent Taste
I love the taste of the mango greens and superfoods. I mix it with the collagen each evening. I feel less bloated and the taste is awesome.
Was this helpful? - Bobbi N.Verified BuyerAge Range 25 - 342 hours agoAge Range 25 - 34Rated 5 out of 5 starsVery good!
I bought this as a way to kickstart my health journey. I love the routine of adding it to my morning water and have noticed a difference in my skin, gut health, and energy. Its a bit on the sweet side but the flavor is lovely. Really sad that I cant buy this in stores in Canada but I will likely be repurchasing!
Was this helpful? - Christi D.Verified BuyerAge Range 45 - 542 hours agoAge Range 45 - 54Rated 5 out of 5 starsLove it!
Love these greens. I immediately feel more energetic and can definitely tell the difference when when I don't have them. Great product!
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