Daily Greens
Daily Greens
One Delicious Scoop
One Delicious Scoop
gluten free
plant based
dairy free
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- kristyn k.Verified BuyerAge Range 35 - 4414 hours agoAge Range 35 - 44Rated 5 out of 5 starsTaste delish
I’ve only been using for almost a week but like it so far and will continue using .. the heath benefits are incredible, I'm taking twice a day
Was this helpful? - Shelly14 hours agoRated 4 out of 5 stars4 Stars
Best product ever great taste goes down nice and smooth
Was this helpful? - Courtney L.Verified BuyerAge Range 25 - 3423 hours agoAge Range 25 - 34Rated 5 out of 5 starsSuper yummy
Best greens I’ve had, look forward to drinking it
Was this helpful? - Melissa P.Verified BuyerAge Range 25 - 34YesterdayAge Range 25 - 34Rated 5 out of 5 starsSo good
Mango is by far my favorite flavor. And the benefits to my gut health are wonderful!
Was this helpful? - Tenzly S.Verified ReviewerAge Range Under 18YesterdayAge Range Under 18Rated 4 out of 5 starsGreat choice
I have had this product for a while and I drink it every morning I’m in love!!!
P.s side note for people with picky taste or Texture issues I would warn you it has a bit of a strong green flavor and a griddy texture but over all it’s not bad at all ty bloom for changing the game for EVER
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